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Cognitive-behavioral approach

According to this psychological approach, mental functioning is based on the interactions between thoughtsemotions, and behaviors

Previous experience can influence our perception of the present event. 

And depending on what emotion we feel, we are going to react.

When something happens
to us, the first thing we do is to give an interpretation of this event.

According to this interpretation (good? bad? unfair? dangerous?)
we will feel emotion.

These interactions lie at the root of our decisions, needs, and beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. The cognitive-behavioral approach focuses on all three elements but in a different way.

Our work will aim to identify the automatic thoughts and beliefs that provoke the difficult emotions, examine them, verify their accuracy, find out where they came from, and, if necessary, work on replacing them with other, more healthy ones.

We will talk about your emotional needs and regulation strategies. Learning to identify them, their intensity, duration, what triggers them, and what makes them pass.

But we will also work on behaviors. When one gets trapped in a vicious circle, behavior is a crucial element to address if we mean to change the whole pattern. Thus, we will work together on the behaviors you find problematic, minding their genesis and their original function. We will be discussing them, analyzing them together, and exploring their possible alternatives. Then, with my full engagement and support and with the help of personalized exercises, you will be doing concrete, measurable work on replacing the maladaptive behaviors.

Working simultaneously on these three elements of our functioning is the essence of the cognitive-behavioral approach in psychology.

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